About Housemade Eats
A Home Isn't a Home Without a Kitchen
The best part of growing up was the home cooked meals Mother prepared each and every night without fail. She spent all her days teaching us kids to read and write, teaching the neighborhood kids piano, and then coming back to prepare the best dinners out there. Mother taught us to love food and cooking and she gave us reason to do so.
A Need for Speed
I generally have a short attention span so taking hours to prep and prepare my food is not the way to go. I love quick and simple recipes that allow me to eat what I want to eat, and then move on to something else.
Collection of Fun
From as long as I can remember, Mother always had recipe books. She would collect recipes, put some together, discuss with her family. The recipes posted here have been passed from hands to hands. I claim none of them as my own signature dishes.